Green Lane Riding is exhilarating, exciting, challenging, will test your orienteering skills and is a source of long-lasting friendship. It is a past time that you can enjoy at any time, all year round. The different seasons offer different challenges and different scenes to enjoy.

What is Green Lane Riding?
Green Lane Riding is driving on Public Rights of Way where vehicular rights exist. Primarily these are Byways Open to All Traffic.
In England and Wales you can ride on any BOAT at any time, providing you are road legal and ride within the requirements of the law. (valid driving licence, insurance, road legal motorcycle, obey road traffic laws etc)
Scotland has its own countryside access rules.

Did you know there are over 6,000 miles of BOATs (Byways Open to All Traffic) and trails that you can legally ride on in England and Wales?
Look out for these signs

The AJS Tempest Scrambler 125 and '71 Desert Scrambler 125 is perfect for your Green Lane adventure. The Tempest Scrambler is easy to ride, lightweight and has a very good off road capability.

Prepare your self, prepare your bike, decide your route, check the weather, carry essentials in a back pack, plan your stops, begin your adventure.
Follow the Countryside Code, respect and be courteous to other Green Lane users. Slow down or stop for horse riders and walkers, (they are out to have fun too) don't drop litter... and have masses of fun!